Published by :- DEFENCE OF INDIA
Hello aspirants
Today we are going to discuss about all rules of noun,which will help to qualify the exam of defence forces .
But before starting we have to understand that why English get more preference in todays time period ,so this is because it becomes a mean of communication all around the world.
A famous saying is there that "If you have money in your pocket,your phone is fully charged and you know English then you can travel all around the world "
In defence forces there are many technical and on ground training in which foreign soldier and officer co-ordinate with our soldier and officer and in this English help very much.
One thing you have to make clear in your mind that you don't need doctorate or PhD in English ,you just simply have the knowledge of basic English.
So I am here to guide you.
Let's begin with all your Josh!!!
Noun is the name of a person, place or a thing apart from intangible things.
Examples of Noun are:- Abhishek, Neha, Hong kong, bed, protection, Chair, Truth, Charity, etc.
Kinds of Noun:-
1. Common Noun:- It is a name given to every person or thing of the same class or kind.
e.g - boy, girl, fan, chair, etc.
2. Proper Noun:- detailsof a common noun arc signified by proper noun.
e.g. - sidd, sahiba, Polar fan, Supreme chair, etc.
3. Material Noun:- It is a substance, a material or an ingredient we can see and touch which is used for making things .
e.g. - Gold, coal, wheat, rubber, etc.
4. Collective Noun :-it is the name of a group of persons or things.
e.g - Army, police, mob, crowd, parliament, fleet, flock, team, etc.
5. Abstract Noun It is the name of a feeling, quality or a state.
e.g. - Feeling :-Love, fear, hate, anger, respect pleasure, etc.
Quality:- strength, pitch, innocence, gluttony, judgment, obedience, beauty, etc. State:-Weariness, tiredness, mercy, birth, death, etc.
Now from here we begin with rules of noun
So be attentive:-
Rules of Noun :-
1. Articles (A,An,the) are never be used before material noun.
E.g. :-
>The bricks are used in making house.( X)
>Bricks are used in making of house (✓).
2.There are two noun which can not be use in plural form and the nouns are Material noun , Abstract noun.
E.g :-
>These woods are decay.
> These wood are decay.
3. Collective noun usually take a singular verb and are substituted by singular pronoun.
E.g. :-
> The jury has given its verdict.
4. Collective noun take a plural verb and are substituted by a plural pronoun when the group members do not behave as a whole but take different direction.
E.g. :-
> The ministry are much divided in their opinion regarding the foreign policy.
5. Young children and small animals are also referred to as neuter gender.
E.g :-
>The baby started crying.
8. Now this is a important point , sometime we see that in neuter gender things there is use of "his/her" this is because when object without life are personified,they are consider as masculine or of feminine gender.
Masculine gender is used for strength, violence,anger.
Feminine gender is used for beauty ,gentleness and gracefulness.
>The sun with his brilliance ,came out of the cloud
> The sun with her warmth, provided relief from the bitter cold.
9. Now make sure that if in a sentence the number of quantity present then you don't have to use plural form.
>I have three pen/
>My Friend bought dozens of eggs from the market.
10.The following noun are used only in plural:-
>Name of instrument ,which have to parts forming a kind of pair.
11. Some plural noun forms are commonly used in singular like
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For synonymous
See you on our next topic i.e pronoun
Jai Hind🇮🇳
Jai Bharat🇮🇳
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